To Have Good Ideas You Need to Have Ideas
When you have good ideas. Magic happens. As usual, at this time of year, I slow down a little and reflect on the past year. I especially think about business, what’s good and what’s not so good, how I can kick ass in 2017, etc. Many good things have happened ...
Read MoreBoring People Aren’t Creative (but they are lazy)
What if I were to tell you that you are in control of your creativity? So many people seem to think that creativity is some kind of cosmic power that hits people during random moments of inspiration. Others think that some people are just naturally more gifted than others when ...
Read Morejovoto. Our Promised Land
Show & Tell has always been about ideas. We are trying to give shape to the concept of an idea agency. A place where ideas are considered the cornerstone of what we do. We think that coming up with ideas is our strongest point. We are at ease when we ...
Read MoreThe 8 Lessons I’ve Learned Recording My First Podcast Episode
“Should we start recording a podcast? Would you be up for giving it a try?” Just a short and out of the blue message from James, my friend and business partner. Was the beginning of the most surprising adventures I’ve ever had. We have been talking about starting a podcast ...
Read MoreHow Not To Start a Business Like a Moron
I woke up the next morning to a voicemail from the Manila Police Department. The shockingly aggressive message left by Mr Santiago said that they were looking for Daniel*. They wanted him to call immediately. I don’t know what he did wrong. What I do know is that shortly after, ...
Read MoreInvest in Yourself: How to Become More Awesome
I was sat in one of the largest offices in the building on my beautiful leather sofa. The office was completely glass fronted. Anyone walking past could see into our unusual space, which looked more like a hipster living room than a place of work. My team of 8 were ...
Read MoreHow Your Toilet Will Become Your Doctor
Recently I have started a new hobby. Reddit. It’s a brilliant website. It represents the internet well. It is full of amazing information. It also has a lot of, let’s say “alternative” people on it. I read a couple of rather disturbing stories on Reddit recently. Allow me to briefly ...
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